Bingo is a sweetie-pie and is fully hypoallergenic! He is a Standard Poodle who was born July 2021 and weighs ~48 lbs. He is neutered, is $8,350 and would be ready for PTSD service work in 3 months.
Swizzy is a super sweet Bernese Mountain Dog Mix. She is very happy and has never met a stranger. She weighs about 80 lbs, stands 24" at the shoulder and was born on June 8, 2022. She is spayed, is $8,350 and would be ready for PTSD service work in 3 months.
Orca is a Standard Poodle who was born January 2022 and weighs ~60 lbs. Although he is a little shy at first, he is a very happy and is a great PTSD service dog. He is trained and ready to go, is neutered and is $11,850.
Chocolate Chip aka "Chip"
Chip is a very sweet and personable dog. There is a never a dull moment around him because he is so happy. He weighs 13 lbs and stands 14” tall at the shoulder. He is $7,350 and would be ready for PTSD service work in 2 months.
Ranger is a Bernedoodle who was born February 2024 and weighs ~22 lbs. He is super sweet and is $16,350 and would be ready for PTSD service work in 3 months.
Kashmir is the quintessential Berneoodle and is hypoallergenic to a good degree! She was born on May 31, 2023 and weighs ~55 lbs. She is spayed, is trained, is a wonderful PTSD service dog and is $12,550.